For months most have been made aware of the direct effects COVID has had on daily lives, the economy, jobs, education, and of course healthcare. As the weeks go on however, it’s becoming more evident that this is just the beginning of the true impact. In recent months, new data has started to point to some unforeseen consequences particularly in healthcare, and even more specifically in wound care.
The lockdown restricted patient access to hospitals and while telemedicine has evolved much over the past several months, it is insufficient in addressing certain types of illnesses and conditions. Chronic wounds require physical treatment like sharp debridement to remove dead and devitalized tissue and often requires frequent dressing changes.
A recent study published in Medscape Medical News last month points to some alarming statistics that without such care, the need for amputations is soaring in Italy. It begs the question, will the US be far behind? As the lockdown relaxed, some hospitals reported an initial increase in the number of surgical cases and clinical visits. Weeks later, hospitals are still reporting their census is down suggesting patients are still too scared of the threat of COVID to seek treatment.
Many don’t understand that just having a diabetic foot ulcer alone can be a marker for death. Education, treatment, and patient compliance will all be critical to combat this threat to reduce the number of amputations.
Indeed we have just begun to see the full impact of COVID. Click here to read the full article.
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